Official Danish Green Card Entry Program

Danish Green Card Evaluation of Eligibility

Use our professional evaluation service to ensure that you qualify for the Danish Green Card Work Visa Program. Our Danish immigration experts will review your information and provide you with a clear and decisive answer as to your eligibility.

Our Processing Team does a detailed review of your profile and cross checks your education, work experience and adaptability to determine if you are eligible to receive a Danish Green Card.

Sign up for an Eligibility Evaluation today to see if you score enough points to be eligible for a Danish Green Card. Get a detailed report as to how many points you have scored and from which areas and also how you can improve some skills to score more points. There is no other way to be completely sure that you are eligible for the Danish Green Card Work Visa Program.

First Name: Last Name:
Email: Re-enter email:
Country where you live today:
Click here to pay →  

Cost: $50.00
Process time: 1 business day
Terms: This payment is non-refundable.